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About MMC

About Multimedia Card:

Multimedia Card (MMC) is one of Flash Memory type. MMC uses two technology :

1. ROM Technology for read only application.

2. Flash Technology for read/write application.

MMC history for Phone:

(MultiMedia Card)

1. First MMC technology is MMC Standard. Uses 7-pin Standard Multimedia Card. Only has 2 MBps max transfer data.

(MultiMedia Card-Reduce Size)

2. Next MMC technology is RS-MMC (RS = Reduced Size). The difference between RS-MMC and MMC Standard is, RS-MMC only has 1/2 dimension size than MMC Standard. RS-MMC still uses 7 pin Standard Multimedia Card. Only has 2 MBps transfer data.

(High Speed-MultiMedia Card)

3. Next MMC technology is HS-MMC (HS = High Speed). Using 13 pin Multimedia Card. Have 8 configuration transfer data. And max transfer data is 52 MBps and the min is 20 MBps, depends on device support transfer data.

Dual Voltage MMC

4. Next MMC Technology is Dual Voltage Multimedia Card, which has function host in 1.8V and 3V. Note: 1.8V and 3V are just the middle operation value. The truth is : For 1.8V host have range operate 1.65~1.95V and for 3V host have range operate 2.7~3.6V.

SD Card
(Secure MMC)

5. Next MMC Technology is SecureMMC. This multimedia card is used for security requirements of future consumer, business and industrial applications (such as mobile e-commerce, banking and copyright protection).

For dimension, Multimedia Card has two types:
- MMC Standard

For Speed, Multimedia Card has two types:
- 7 pin
- 13 pin

For Host, Multimedia Card has two types:
- 1.8V
- 3V

For Security, Multimedia card has two types:
- Not Secure
- Secure

And how to know what kind of Multimedia Card your phone is using?

1. Find out what kind of dimension of Multimedia Card is supported by your phone (you can identify with by looking into your phones's MMC slot - if small - its RS-MMC and if its not then its MMC Standard).

2. Find out how many pins does your Multimedia Card has (You can know it with by looking the amount of pins in MMC slot of your phone).

3. Find out what host of Multimedia Card does your phone supports (For Nokia Phone, to know it ask Nokia Support in homepage www.nokia.com or look into phone's manual).

For Example :
Phone = Nokia 6600
- Dimension = MMC Standard
- Pin = 7
- Host = Only one : 3 V
- Secure = Support

Phone = Nokia 6630
- Dimension = RS-MMC
- Pin = 7
- Host = Dual : 1.8 V and 3 V
- Secure = Support
What is the difference between host 1.8 V and 3 V?

Host 1.8 V needs less power to operate, so your Battery will not be drained quickly comapared to Host 3 V.

Note For Secure :
Why N-GAGE Game in Nokia Orginal MMC cannot be copied into other MMC - because this is Multimedia Card with type SecureMMC (have copyright protection).

On Jan 2005 Multimedia Card technology has released their new Multimedia Card version, its version 4.

What's new with version 4?

1. Support 2 Dimension MMC Standard and RS-MMC.

2. Support High Speed Multimedia Card , with max tranfer data 52 MBps - depend device support multiple bus width. There 3 multiple : 1X , 4X and 8 X. 1X = 20 MBps transfer data. 4 X = 26 MBps transfer data. 8X = 52 MBps transfer data.

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