80s toys - Atari. I still have
+ f p _ x

Bosch Secret Codes


*#3262255*8378# (*#DANCALL*TEST#) - to make secret Engineering menu (menu 10) appear.

10. - Engineering
10.1 - MS Info
10.1.1 - on
10.1.2 - off
10.2 - Software details
10.2.1 - Software version
10.2.2 - EEPROM version
10.2 - Test / Production details
10.3.1 - Hardware data
10.3.2 - Production data
10.3.3 - Service data
10.3.4 - Mechanical data

*#06# - to display the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

*#0000# - to set the language automaticaly (Reset to English)

*#3370# - to set the Enhaced Full Rate

#3370# - to Reset the phone

*#9000# - to enter SIM lock code

*#9001# - To enter the corporate code (Bosch 908)

*#9002# - To enter the provider code (Bosch 908)

*#9003# - to enter the network code

*#9004# - to enter the subset code

*#9100# - to remove the SIM lock permanently

*#9101# - to remove the corporate lock permanently

*#9102# - to remove the provider lock permanently

*#9103# - to remove the network lock permanently

*#9104# - to remove the subset lock permanently

SIM-lock is NOT the SP-lock / Service Provider lock. . !

Disclaimer: Some of these Codes may not Work, it depends on phone model! Try these Codes at Your own Risk! I'll take no any responsibility due to damage, data lost or device malfunctioning. Complaints will not be entertained. !

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