Lamborghini Huracán LP 610-4 t
+ f p _ x

Orange Secret Codes


Dial *133# on Orange to view your credit balance.

Orange UK voicemail number is 07973100123

By typing *146# and pressing yes on Orange phones will give you the expiry date of your voucher card.

Only on Orange prepaid in India, press *121*022# and then press call button ....a message will be displayed end call button ....wait for a few seconds and you will get call from your own number! Don't pick the call otherwise it will cost you !

On Orange India, to call on your own phone or while roaming from other network type *121*phonenumber# and call you will get through you can even call yourself !

Disclaimer: Some of these Codes may not Work, it depends on phone model! Try these Codes at Your own Risk! I'll take no any responsibility due to damage, data lost or device malfunctioning. Complaints will not be entertained. !

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